2018 World Cup qualification campaign.
Aguila, the official Colombian beer, partnered with Snapchat to communicate their campaign “Destapate”. The brand wanted to allow their audience to distinguish themselves from the Colombian stereotype that figures like Pablo Escobar and Ernesto Sanper have infiltrated into the Colombian people. The brand took advantage of one of the most relevant period of the year to engage with their audience: The World Cup qualification.
With the implementation of a fully customized Lens, the brand gave their audience access to “Destaparse” or reveal their true selves. The users also challenged their friends as to who could do the most “cabecitas”. The campaign surpassed all local benchmarks and obtained a play time of more than 39 seconds (local benchmark was only 21 seconds), becoming the best performing lens in Latin America. Through the use of Snap Ads, the brand also invited users to unlock the Lens with an exclusive invitation from Mario Yepes, former colombian soccer player.
Play time